Human Centipede 3 - UK Premiere
In July 2015, we welcomed Tom Six, Dieter Laser and Ilona Six to host the UK Premiere of the third instalment of the Human Centipede trilogy. We also screened the first two films on the same day for the ultimate centipede fans.
The Human Centipede 3 UK Premiere
Writer/Director Tom Six, Producer Ilona Six and star Dieter Laser in Broadway's Lounge.
The Human Centipede 3 UK Premiere
Tom Six, Ilona Six and Dieter Laser in the Broadway Cinema lounge, ahead of the screening of HC1 and HC2.
The Human Centipede 3 UK Premiere
Tom Six, Ilona Six and Dieter Laser surprise the audience in the Broadway Cinema lounge, after the screening of HC1 and HC2.
The Human Centipede 3 UK Premiere
Tom Six, Ilona Six and Dieter Laser surprise the audience in the Broadway Cinema lounge, after the screening of HC1 and HC2.
The Human Centipede 3 UK Premiere
Dieter Laser, Ilona Six and Tom Six surprise some of the audience watching the first two Human Centipede films in Broadway's lounge.
The Human Centipede 3 UK Premiere
Ian Sadler from Eureka Entertainment, the company that brought you all three Human Centipede films.